Mini-band walks
In a question about mini-band walks, a PT asked about foot positioning.We use these liberally with Perform Better minibands @ the knee and/or the ankles and a JS miniband for X-band walks. I haven't cut up any JS bands as Coach Boyle uses.For a rehab patient, I think they fill several of the warm-up goals with both upper and lower body activation, movement, and guarded range in the case when other qualities of the warm-up are not appropriate yet.Toes are always forward.Toes out is an easy cheat, and toes in facilitates the TFL. If they need to do band walks in a rehab situation, the last think I want is TFL doing all the work in a "glute" exercise. TFL flexes, IR, and ABDucts the hip. Even if you are knees locked and tall, 2/3 is still no good.