Shoulder Post-Rehab

Recently Anthony Renna interviewed me about our collaboration on a recent client of his.  At the time, she was several months post-surgical left rotator cuff repair.  I don't know if there were any special factors or unique characteristics of her surgery.  She was discharged from physical therapy and cleared from her physician to return to Anthony with no restrictions.  No restrictions as in, this client had a list of exercises to read to the physician who as I understand it, okay'd every one.The specifics to this case are all in the interview which can be found at, Episode 62.

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So as Anthony and I discussed my impressions after I saw this client, I described how I felt that she was in need of some manual therapy and how I viewed progressing her to the exercises she wanted to do.  Often we speak of progression in terms of exercise continuums such as split squat to RFE split squat

Below are the variables that can apply to all types of progressions, but the unique biomechanics of the shoulder joint lends to the non-provocative to provocative positioning that may not exist with other joints.

The choices below are hardly all-inclusive, and there is no reason that you must clear dynamic of a lesser provocative position before going to static on the next position.   For instance, I am very comfortable getting to the 1/4 Get-Up

Static to DynamicSlow to FastUnloaded to LoadedSagittal to Frontal to RotationalNon-Provocative to Provocative

Non-Provocative Static (Arm @ side)Deadlift variationsFarmer's WalkGripping

Non-Provactive DynamicDipsLow Rows

Middle-Provocative Static (Arm 80-120 degrees)Rolling Shoulders (Supine T-Spine Rotation w/Hip Flexion)KB ArmbarsPlank variationsEQIKB SwingsKB Clean WalksInverted Row PackBody Pull

Middle-Provocative DynamicBench Press variationsInverted RowsChest-Supported RowsTWYLPush-Up Rows (Renegade Rows)KB Cleans

Provocative Static (Arm overhead)Turkish GetupOverhead KB WalkPull-Up or OH PackProvocative TransitionalKB SnatchesOlympic lifting variations--Dynamic through Provocative range followed by Static deceleration

Provocative DynamicPull-Up variationsOH Pressing--Narrow grip before wide grip Pull-Ups before Push Pressing before Strict Pressing

Med Ball ProgressionsShort Amplitude to Large Amplitude--Limiting range through overhead position or across bodyOH Slam to OH Granny Toss to Soccer ThrowLow Rotational Throw to Middle/Upper Rotational Throw to Shot PutChop to LiftKneeling to Standing to Stepping to Footwork


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