Ultimate Hockey Training
For the better part of the last week in September and first week in October, I spent a lot of hours on the phone interviewing with an NHL team. I chose to drop out of the process after a while, but during the process, I emphasized a few things that I think define me as Strength & Conditioning Coach.One thing I insisted on was that I don't train hockey players. I train athletes.I feel if I hand deliver a human that can move better, move stronger, move faster, and move for a longer period of time to an ice hockey coach, then I think they have a better environment in which to make a hockey player.I read Kevin's e-book several months ago, and the most dominant remark that I had was that this was more about training athletes than hockey players, which is obviously the more contemporary approach as I see it.I think this is good for Kevin for a few reasons: 1) now people other than hockey trainers, players, parents, etc. can buy this product, 2) it puts a "right" way to train into an enviornment where (like many), there are many myths and silly training styles, and 3) it shows he knows what he's talking about.So there is definitely a hockey envelope on this letter, and there are obviously several key chapters in the book that specifically address ice hockey.Ultimate Hockey Training is about training ice hockey players.Last time I checked they were athletes.