Making Breathing Automatic
How do we make {the ideal} diaphragmic breathing pattern autonomic? To be able to just do it, without have to think about it?How do we improve the autonomic function of the soft core? How do we get them to fire more efficently with all movements? For proper soft core, I take it we need diaphragmatic breathing in place first? asking the client for a diaphragmic breath during exercise not consious control? My first impression of the message was to think about choosing to use the word autonomic rather than automatic. I thought you would mean automatic, but when breathing is automatic in terms of not requiring cuing or coaching, it is because it is compliant with the autonomic nervous system.What is interesting and exemplary when it comes to breathing that it's musculoskeletal action can be trained through various methods and repetition. Following the motor learning literature in terms of random practice is probably best practice at this time. And as you progress from cognitive to associative to autonomous, it is one of the few links directly to the ANS. Eye training, which I am several weeks into for myself, is another keyhole that links muscular to neuro.Progressing from simple to complex, fast to slow, more or stronger fixed points to less are progressions in which to engage breathing.You have the DNS positions. You have slowing down multi-tasked drills like the Turkish Getup and Chops/Lifts, along with extreme mobility like yoga or extreme stability like some pilates or anti-motion positions where you can practice breathing.Basically, the suggestion is that you can drive the ANS with a positive musculoskeletal input from the conscious breathing training, shift to the green, and get a positive neuromuscular output via "automatic" breathing.The motor skill, reaching an assumed standard, is an example of joint centration. It is trained muscularly but yields a CNS response.Social stress is an enormous input to the ANS, and that would be a direct competitor to your breathing training. This is just as powerful an example as someone following a hip and t-spine mobility program and regularly sitting 8-12 hours @ work.In terms of "correcting" breathing, sometimes the more potent intervention is what you DON'T do (don't get stressed) rather than what you do. And stress can be lifting with bad form, social stress, inefficient nutrition, overtraining, the list goes on.
Considering nose vs. mouth breathing, I believe the nose has far more baroreceptor pathways than the mouth, thus keying into the CNS at a more powerful clip.Why any one individual has disturbed sleeping is always up for assessment.
While some are still fairly staunch with the TA and multifidus training, I think this will continue to fall behind the curve in favor of the diaphragm being the primary focus of inner core training. It continues to completely baffle me how one can push the draw-in and expect to facilitate the diaphragm and intra-abdominal pressure.Yes, there is more than 1 way to skin a cat, but there's also good-better-best. And there's also benign and useful.Something that I have recognized sociologically is that when you look at folks that push TA and multifidus, I don't see too many folks that have ever held serious weight in their hands, ran really fast, or done anything more athletic than pilates. I think this is a missing piece in either understanding and/or accepting that the diaphragm is the starting piece to breathing and the musculoskeletal keyhole to the ANS.