2-3 on Shoulders, 1 on TSPU
.......individual was 3 on everything but TSPU is 1 shoulder mobility 2/3. What would you attack?TSPU is your weak link.The 1 trumps the 2-3.But I would be keen as many, not all, TSPU options involve dynamic stability of the shoulders, so the 2-3 of the shoulders remands some further examination.A lot of what I would suggest would be based on the further examination of the shoulder, if the asymmetry was hard or soft. In this case I would guess soft since they were a 3 on RS and ILL. But there is a possibility if this is a throwing athlete, and this probably is, that the 2-3 is hard, and you go in a different direction from there.The TSPU is almost always soft, but you can look at Rib Roll and Half-Kneeling T-Spine to see if these drills cause any trouble. You may actually catch something that could lead to the 2-3 in terms of t-spine mobility. If either of those drills are challenging and improve with mobility training, stick with that and see what happens.Deeper Screens for Shoulder Mobility, If you go by the book, which everybody should, you will be looking at the neck, t-spine, gleno-humeral joint, elbow, and scapular stability. You can further examine t-spine with and without a demand of scapular stability. I would suggest clearing the neck in standing first and supine if necessary. If the neck is stiff in supine, then you're done, and this warrants getting them to someone who can evaluate the neck to determine best approach. Stiff neck, tight shoulders, a spine that buckles in TSPU, this all adds up to some things that force fitness to take a back seat for a moment.If the neck is good, and you see what you deem to be good rotation both directions on both drills, test G-H motion and elbow flexion. If G-H and elbow motion are equal both ways, both sides, then you know you have a scapular stability issue.That's the most likely scenario with there being 3s across the board everywhere else. But you could see an old elbow injury on one side that has been left stiff. That I think you could see. The elbow is often suggested as not being screened in the FMS, but as you can see, this is false. Shoulders @ sides, @ 90, @ overhead, thumbs up, thumbs to anterior deltoids. Do they touch? Do they touch in each shoulder position?If it was me, I'd go through this process as I just firmly believe the way you never miss anything is to go through all the checkmarks every single time. In time, you'll Blink when there is a low risk to trying something fresh.So consider the TSPU to be the audit. How can you attack both the TSPU and one-sided scapular stability?Some Answers:Side Plank, especially if 2-3 was hard such as retroverted shoulder of throwing athleteUpper Extremity Segmental RollingRolling 1-arm Push up1-arm push up progressionTall Kneeling 1-arm Chops, Lifts, 1-arm PressingCrocodile breathingDNS 1st chain/contralateral trainingUltimately as with everything with the FMS, what you do about this is up to you.But the audit weak link is the TSPU. That was the original question.To answer what would I or anyone attack, that all depends on what you do after you uncover some flags. I've just one likely senario. If you're asking something like, "But what if ," you're probably right.The FMS is your Choose Your Own Adventure with Cost Analysis from a joint perspective.........if you do it right.