Some FMS scenarios......
1) With asymmetrical scores on SM this would eliminate bi-lateral upper body pressing/pulling (bench, chins, etc), would this also include no push-ups..even if the person was a 2/3?Really debatable. Could argue both ways.Some of it has to do with if these are hard (mobility) or soft (stability) scores.For other movements, some of it has to do with if this is a supported motion like bench press or chest-supported row where a t-spine limitation is the issue. If the trunk is stabilized by the bench, and the gleno-humeral joints are actually symmetrical, which is very possible, it can be defended.Best answer to make a decision here is do push-ups make the SM worse?Next answer comes from do you need to do push-ups?Do you know what tools or methods are required to change the shoulders? Is it worth the investment?2) When teaching a half kneeling KB press do you coach the KB in the hand of the down leg or in the hand of the up leg? Obviously the version with the up leg would pattern the TGU, put what if that wasn't in play right now and I just wanted to use the half kneeling press to work on someone's stability in that split stance position?All the options can be discussed.In my own training and my first suggestion for others, press big, press off the front leg, back leg ankle and toes work bottoms up presses, press off the back leg. It just feels way to wobbly to mildly rotate with a work hip stability inline, I think you'd have to press contralateral. I've never tried it though. 3) If someone has a 1/1 on RS would "outer-core" moves like Planks, side bridge, anti-rotation press, etc be out? How about if the TSPU was a 2?This is another one that is probably arguable.I say work them both in parallel. The big answer is don't let anything make the other pattern worse.The scores should just lead you to a belief on if the joints can even get into the right positions to sustain the goals of the exercise. If this is true, there is more of a hunt and peck approach to see what is effective in acquiring new motor skills of rotary stability.And furthermore, if someone was a 2 in TSPU and had the joints for RS (2 in ASLR, 2 in SM), I don't think they'd have a 1 in RS. Rescreen them to make sure if this is a real scenario. I suspect you'd find hard 1's in ASLR or SM or hip IR. 4) Just to clarify from the recent seminar.........If someone's neck is DN, but the have normal ROM when they do it unloaded/supine they can segmental roll? If they are both DN loaded and unloaded they cant segmental roll?Yes, if the neck is FN in the 1 (unloaded supine) position, then I believe the rolling pattern can be drilled.If the neck is DN across the board loaded vs. unloaded, active vs. passive, etc., then upper body rolling will likely fail. I'd probably try to change the neck or choose something else, but lower body rolling could be effective if it was indicated for the right reason lower body related.