T=R: Kettlebells now available!

I’m excited to release T=R: Kettlebells, with over 5 hours on kettlebell techniques, cues, coaching tips, and much more!My goal with T=R: Kettlebells was to provide you with a very defined path, while avoiding inefficiencies in the coaching process.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r62dtplhEtsT=R Kettlebells covers:– A review on what joints should do for each technique– Specific cues for the deadlift, swing, squat, press, get-up, and the cheat clean– How to get dialed in for the deadlift, swing, and squat– Quick screens to use, benefitting you and your clients in the Press and Get-Up– When to use kettlebell strategies– Q&A sections with trainers asking for coaching insightand more!Learn more and get your copy of T=R: Kettlebells here! 


A Little Background on T=R: Kettlebells


Biomechanics: Don't Lie. Don't Always Tell the Whole Story.