IG Live Replay: Charlie Weingroff & Andy Galpin

If you're weren't able to make it, you can watch the replay of my chat with Dr. Andy Galpin here or directly on Instagram.Andy Galpin is an American scientist, coach and professor of kinesiology in the College of Health and Human Development at California State University, Fullerton. He has made many contributions to the fields of exercise physiology, human performance and nutrition. He is also a certified strength and conditioning specialist and a certified personal trainer, with special distinction.

Andy is a consultant for various private, public and non-profit organizations. He has coached actors Bryan Callen and Kevin James and many UFC athletes.Learn more about Andy by following him on Instagram.

We had a great time catching up. Not a podcast that you're used to, just two characters just talking about different things.

If you watch it and remember the secret code word that Andy gave, please reply to me and you will be comped to attend his seminar August 14th weekend at Cal State Fullerton. This is for somebody that hopefully feels good about the honor code, can't afford it, but could really benefit from attending.-CW

P.S. I’ll be presenting an updated version of Lateralizations & Regressions at Perform Better's Functional Training Summit in Chicago July 15th-17th, 2022.

Tickets are still available! I hope to see you there!

P.P.S. Check out my spot on SageSpot for case studies plus more in-depth answers to your questions!


Unwrapping Recovery


T=R Case Study - Powerlifting Part 4