Comprehensive Shoulder Anthology for Clinicians and Trainers

Created by Dr. Charlie Weingroff, world expert in Physical Therapy + Athletic Performance


online shoulder course with charlie weingroff

T=R: THE SHOULDER is the go-to resource for PTs, ATCs, fitness trainers and coaches who want to help clients and athletes undergo a complete shoulder transformation BETTER.

This program will walk you all the way from helping someone right out of injury or surgery to a strict press PR.

This is a non-negotiable resource for any clinician who desires to improve their clients’ shoulder progress FASTER and BETTER than anything else out there.

If your athletes or fitness clients are still struggling after “being cleared” from a shoulder issue, or they are just jacked up in general, you’ll not only find specific exercises to try but also a rubric to appreciate how other great exercises can fit into Charlie’s way of thinking.

And if you are a clinician who is getting great results on helping control pain and restore basic motion, you too can find huge value in T=R: The Shoulder in knowing some of the technical coaching of overhead pressing and getting patients there that much faster.

T=R: THE SHOULDER has been a long time coming … 

Not only is this digital course one of the most comprehensive exercise series I’ve ever put out for clinicians, trainers and coaches … but because the shoulder is one of the most commonly mistreated joints and chances are that in order to rehab it, mobilize it, stabilize it and strengthen it properly, you may need to dive a lot deeper than what your traditional PT education provided.

I speak to PTs, ATCs, coaches and trainers every week who feel hamstrung by their lack of results with their clients, despite doing everything they can think of, and throwing every traditional mobility or strengthening movement at them.

And I get it. You pride yourself on being a great clinician or trainer, and when your clients aren’t seeing results, it can feel frustrating and discouraging. You BOTH want them to get better faster.

Look, as you know, the shoulder is one of THE most complex joints to treat, and depending on the many, multifactorial symptoms a client presents with it, it can be beyond frustrating not being able to get your patient results, no matter how many times they come and see you.

Truth is, most clinicians won’t get everything they need to treat shoulder injuries and mobility issues with traditional schooling. This is why my work has been at the forefront of the Physical Therapy industry for the last 15+ years …

… AND that’s why I am finally releasing the exact exercises, progressions and protocols I use with everyone from my professional athlete clients to regular joes who want to train better, harder and without limitation.

If you are a physical therapist, athletic Trainer, strength coach or personal trainer working with folks who want to live long, healthy, mobile lives … accessing the comprehensive T=R: The Shoulder Education Course is a no brainer.

See you in the program!

online shoulder course by charlie weingroff

What’s Included in T=R: THE SHOULDER

If you’re here, chances are you are already a clinician, coach or trainer working with people of all walks of life. This course was created for you to better help your clients progress better and faster.

In T=R: THE SHOULDER, you’ll get:

  1. An overview of how I work with clients and how I think about treating and training outlined in our introduction module

  2. An anthology of exercises, movements and progressions broken down on 3 categories based on the unique demands of the shoulder . Once you do your own initial evaluation, you’ll be able to access and use:

    • Beginner exercises and progressions for lower level clients, including starting them with mostly mobility and non-provocative movements

    • What I’m calling “middle” movements, for those further along, who will need mobility, but also some stability, strengthening and “middle provocative” movements

    • Exercises and progressions for your most advanced clients and athletes, including more dynamic movements, provocative exercises, strengthening and more

  3. Once you access the course, you’ll get immediate access to the library of exercises, with suggested progressions based on your initial assessment of your client’s symptoms and capabilities.

  4. Once you access the course, you’ll get immediate access to the library of exercises, with suggested progressions based on your initial assessment of your client’s symptoms and capabilities.

The course includes comprehensive video tutorials, exercise categories, progressions and exactly how I recommend transitioning a client from more beginner to the most advanced level of performance.

With 15 full-length video tutorials and over 10 hours of training, this is the shoulder resource I wish existed back in 1997 when I got started, but since then and after thousands of hours of in-the-trenches treating, I’m excited to be able to share with you exactly how I do things so that you can get your own patients and clients the best possible results

Lifetime access to the course, exercises and material to use as much as is needed, including any updates or additional education added over time. This is a DIY course so you can move through it as fast or as slow as you’d like!

While this course is worth over $5000.00, I’m happy to be able to offer it for a fraction of that…

What People Are Saying About T=R

Ready to be the next success story?

Online shoulder course by Charlie Weingroff

Who Exactly Will Benefit from T=R: THE SHOULDER

I created this course for the following folks:

  • Clinicians who works with everyone from “gen pop” folks to athletes and those who want to perform at a higher level

  • Strength and conditioning coaches who feel hamstrung when their athletes have shoulder mobility issues or injuries and want to be able to progress them safely and effectively

  • Personal Trainers who want to educate themselves on shoulder mobility, strengthening and injury prevention beyond what you learn in your PT textbooks

  • Movement pros who are frustrated that the interventions they’ve tried don’t produce the results they want for their clients, either at all or fast enough

  • The athlete or exercise enthusiast who’s been experiencing chronic (or acute) shoulder issues and feels like the modalities they’ve been seeking out so far simply have not been working and they’re ready for a more sophisticated proven approach

If you’re not sure if you’re a right fit for T=R: THE SHOULDER, send me a quick email HERE and I can help you decide if it’s a good fit for your needs or not.

Sneak Peek of the T=R: The Shoulder Educational Portal

online shoulder course by charlie weingroff

Hi, I’m Dr. Charlie Weingroff …

… one of the most sought-after professionals world-wide in physical therapy and athletic performance, and welcome to T=R: THE SHOULDER.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a Certified Athletic Trainer, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, I’ve worked with over 12,000 people in the last 30 years, including everyone from A-List celebrities, professional athletes and organizations, as well as the general population.

I currently share my time working with patients and clients in West Palm Beach, FL, New York City, and Los Angeles, with office locations in these areas along with holding several regular consulting roles in fitness and physical therapy businesses, and professional sport teams.

I’m pumped to finally be taking everything I’ve been doing in the trenches with clients over the last 15+ years and put it into the T=R: THE SHOULDER course to help clinicians, coaches and trainers improve client outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Absolutely!  I also work with a lot of general population enthusiasts who want to learn more about these strategies and prefer to be self-taught. Just choose the category you think you belong in and have a go, so long as everything is pain-free. If you choose the right category, you will improve. Never let anything get worse; you might be better off choosing a different category or being evaluated by a proper professional if needed.

  • Something I have always found great value in is just watching how other PTs or coaches work.  Sometimes just seeing a little different perspective can add just what you were looking for to continue to help others the best you can. And based on my decade of experience, I have found that there are not many PTs doing what I am, and so yes, regardless of how long you’ve been practicing, you WILL find value guaranteed.

  • Everything is accessed via video with your own T=R+ password-protected account and mobile-friendly portal.

  • Much of your success will depend on your first identifying what you’d like to have happen: do you want something to hurt less? Do you want something to move more? Do you want to get stronger in a specific lift? Once you assess and have a goal, success is simple: access the exercise category you need, give things time and reps, and you will achieve your goal.

  • In this course, you’ll have immediate access to over 10 hours of trainings, tutorials, exercise videos and more!

  • Yes, you’ll have lifetime access, so you can review anything and everything at your own pace. But since this is the most affordable this course will ever be, I recommend grabbing your enrollment now, and then accessing what you need once you’re ready. 

  • I’m not sure when we’ll be opening again. But as this is the inaugural launch, this is the most accessible and affordable it will ever be. If it does open again, the tuition will be much higher.

  • You’ll have lifetime access, as well as any additional bonus tutorials or material that gets added.

  • We have a 7-day no-questions-asked refund period. As you’ll get immediate access to the material, you’ll be able to jump right in and start getting results. But if for whatever reason within the first 7 days after your purchase, you decide it’s not for you, you can request a refund. After 7 days, however, there will be no refunds granted.

Look, I’ll be honest …

This is the education I wish existed back when I was a brand new PT straight out of school and felt confused why some of the movements I dispensed to clients–that I knew were useful–simply weren’t working to help them get better, faster, stronger.

I can say with full certainty that if you are a capable professional (I know you are) and can perform an effective evaluation on your clients … T=R: THE SHOULDER will provide the exact exercises in the exact order that you need in order to progress your client effectively.

No more using picking great exercises that just seem to be wrong for the client. No more losing time with sessions that aren’t moving the needle. No more doing session after session only to look up and it’s been 6 months with very little progress.

No more wasted time and money on things that are just keeping you and your clients in a holding pattern. Say good-bye to frustration and discouragement, and feel confident that no matter where your client is proficiency-wise, you are able to treat them and progress them to full recovery and the level of performance they desire.

Look, you’re here because you know there has to be a BETTER WAY to help your clients or yourself. And I can say with certainty that after decades in the industry and over 12,000 client sessions, T=R:THE SHOULDER will be your final clinical solution.

You ready to do this?

Enroll in T=R THE SHOULDER — the Comprehensive Shoulder Anthology for Clinicians and Trainers