Gary Gray Methodology

Someone recently asked me what I thought about Gary Gray.Obviously I've never met him, but obviously the question is about the methodology.I've never taken any coursework, so my opinions are based on what I've seen and read and 3 excellent days I spent with Todd Wright in the Fall.   I have every intention to take his Chain Reaction course in the near future.I think what we do is very similar.However, I have no professional patience for anyone that thinks repetitive flexion is okay or that suggest that because it happens in "real life," we should train those positions for "resiliency."  That is short-sighted and foul.I absolutely love his views of regional interdependence, and I have touted for several months that the matrix programs that Todd Wright teaches @ Texas are absolutely amazing, and it is a program I MUST learn more about. I felt his volunterns were teaching me how to be athletic.I would be remiss to not remind all of you that Todd said I move very well for a big guy.  Anyway...........................I think the problem is that many folks that attend his coursework or GIFT program take everything he says, such as training "real life" bad movement, as gospel, and they hang on to the few foul parts of his message.Basically anyone that does not believe in relative compensatory flexibility is not someone we should look to for elite levels of informationAnd without losing train of though, any suggestion that McGill's work is only applicable to situations with a fixed sacrum is absurd.All too often folks seem to need to cling on to the so few things that are wrong in training and rehab rather than than the amazing diverse and huge catalog of the things that are right.


Sahrmann vs. Functional Movement


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